Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Staring Contest

I have a really bad habit of staring people right in the eye until they look away. It is probably really creepy to them, this girl that won't drop her gaze, I always insist that other people drop theirs first. Why? Perhaps it is a power thing. Demonstrating dominance, not wanting to submit to someone else, like a game of chicken, who can look away first? I am actually really surprised that I haven't experienced any negativity from this habit. You would think at some point somebody would yell "What are you looking at?" and potentially want to beat the crap out of me. But no such thing has happened, everyone looks away. I win! You just lost the staring contest! I also do it when I am thinking of something to write about. In a momentary brain fart I look off to mu right side trying to think of something to write, which often leads to my staring at the person working on their computer to my right. The poor people often look startled when they see me and it takes me quite a while to realize that they think I am staring at them. oops. It is a really fun power trip though. Try it sometime. Just don't stop staring, don't drop your gaze, people get freaked out by that kind of confidence. 

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