Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stumped About Star Wars

I was first introduced to the Star Wars trilogy by my brother-in-law. He saw the geek within me and wanted to nurture this per-pubescent into watching only quality science fiction. I then became obsessed with Star Wars, and was extremely geeked when Episode I came out. It sucked. Keeping my head up I powered through Episode II, hoping there was some redemption in it. There was not. I finally got to the third one with the knowledge that this episode showed the creation of Darth Vader, so clearly there was no way that Lucas could screw this one up right? Wrong. I am very stumped about this fact. How can one person do three fantastic movies and then three crappy movies? Was it all him or did the writers fail as well?
This constant confusion over Star Wars keeps me up at night ( as well as the questions What am I doing with my life? and what is the meaning of life?)
What is even more distressing is that he keeps going back the originals and changing things in those movies. Hey! George Lucas, if it is not broke, don't fix it!
If you would care to defend your actions, I patiently wait for your reply.

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