Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Bits of Paper

As I journey through life, I will sometimes here phrases or quotes that I absolutely love. In the heat of the moment I often write these things down on whatever bits of paper I can find. The result is a desk drawer full of random strips of paper with the most bizarre phrases.
One, that I particularly loved, was said by my mother and it said, "Wouldn't it be great if we could pee for each other?" This was said in September 2011. My mom had just been in an accident that involved her rolling down a hill with her bike. She broke her sacrum top to bottom, her pelvis and her L4 vertebrae. She also had bruises all down her legs and a gash in her head that required six staples. Experiencing my mom while she was on pain medication and in a hospital bed for two months caused much tension in the household. On this particular day in September, I had just finished a busy day of classes followed by work and then home to do all our laundry and cook dinner. Let's say that I wasn't in the best of moods. Well, my mom needed me to help her get to the bathroom. With a deep, inward sigh, I made the slow procession with my mom to the bathroom. In the middle of my kitchen, half-way to the bathroom, she cried out "oh I don't think I can make it!" to which I replied, "Well you're going to have to!" We continued on, yet my mom was clearly in a lot of discomfort. Finally she looked at me and just asked "Wouldn't it be great if we could pee for each other?" Just the exchange of a glance and we were both in a fit of giggles as we meandered closer to our destination.
My mom has now had a hip replacement and is scheduled to have the other one done soon. A hospital bed in out dining room seems to be a recurring image.
But I like to remind her of all the charming things that she has said to while in the midst of these trials.
When I showed her the slip of paper she merely replied "Well wouldn't it?"
I guess I take going to the bathroom for granted.As well as the use of my legs, arms, and a staple-less head.
So my fellow readers take care, and enjoy a pleasant urination.  

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