Monday, September 10, 2012

I Wonder Where the Fish Did Go...

This next bit of turning dull ordinary things into interesting things has been inspired by Monty Python and the Flying Circus. It involves silly walks.
Now typically the average human being walks either fast or slow, and that is pretty much as diverse as it gets.
Now I decided, as I was walking to class, that I wasn't going to walk the same way. I decided I need to walk a silly way.
First as I stepped out my door I tried to impersonate a penguin walking. This walk was not terribly efficient and extrememly exhausting, plus I think I looked more like someone who had to pee really badly.
Then I walked taking ginormous steps as if I was stepping over huge boulders. This walk was more efficient than the previous and gave my neighbors something to marvel at.
Then I decided that I was not going to walk in a straight line. Well, actually I almost never walk in a straight line, but this time I was walking curvy on purpose. Dipping in and out of the sidewalk, walking in zigzags in the streets.
It was exhausting having so much fun.

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