Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Ridiculous. I have been absolutely ridiculous today.
I am sick. I don't like being sick and it makes tired, cranky, and plagued with headaches that chip away at my very soul.
However, this cocktail of feelings proved to have a most interesting reaction as I prepared for my exam on Friday. It is for History of the English Language and as I listened to my professor talk about the exam, the more I realized how little I knew. After he left I bombarded my friend Stephanie for her notes so I could write them down with mine.
As I looked at the messy handwriting, everything suddenly became extremely funny.
Old English? Cracked Me Up
Vortigern? HA! Vorti-WHO??
Each word, letter, phrase, sound was suddenly a punch line.
Tears creaked out of my eyes as I clutched my sides, laughing so hard that I wasn't even making a sound.
Truly Glorious.
But I also think this means I have gone completely insane.
Take me to an asylum.
But please don't put me in a straight jacket, they make me look fat.  

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