Thursday, September 6, 2012


I am coming to a close in my school life and will soon have to go out into the dark, scary, cruel, adult world that is just lurking around the corner. Its times like these where I really envy veal.
I know it's not much of a life, just sitting in a box all day that is supposed to hinder your growth. All you do is just eat, sleep and defecate until a butcher chops you up for Veal Marsala. The end of life would be a fine dinner consumed by the wealthy. However there are days where I wish I didn't have to grow up. All day long I would just play outside, in the mud, catching worms and toads, and just lying down in the middle of grass and do absolutely nothing. I miss my coloring books, the smell of crayons, and the disgusting pleasure of a really good scab that I would pick at for days.
I just wish that my mom would have kept me in a small shack, blowing cigarette smoke at me, and would just never let me grow.
But she doesn't smoke.  
And we don't have a shack.
So it goes.
In theory this would be a wonderful life, but what would be the point?
I read this article (or maybe it was a short story) where the author talks about how we never lose an age, we just gain more. At certain times in your life, when you react to certain things or are around certain people, you act a certain age.
For example, I have known my best friend for about 18 years. Because I knew her as a kid, we resort to certain childlike tendencies. We never eat well, in fact we almost always eat junk food around each other. Then there was the instance where we bought silly putty and we walked around the mall laughing hysterically while we made farting sounds by kneading out fingers into the blob of goop. And that was only two years ago. So really I haven't grown up, not really. The scars on my knees are me when I was five, I hit my head and cry at the age of  seven, and I blush around boys as my thirteen year old self.
So maybe it was a good thing that I was not raised like a piece of veal.
And maybe it is cool that now I can drink, smoke, and don't really have an official bedtime.
Being an adult is cool I guess.
I will just be an adult that colors in coloring books.

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