Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pet Peeves

I generally think that I am pretty tolerable of other human beings.
I have my quirks. I know I am an acquired taste for sure.
But there are things in life that really annoy me.
Here are a few:

People who end their sentence with "at." That is ending a sentence with a preposition. That's not allowed. In fact if anybody has taken simple grammar they would know that. I don't care that it was in a T-Mobile commercial. I don't care that it has become slang. Just stop that. Just stop.

People who talk in a library. If you want to talk, go to some hipster coffee shop with your plaid flannel shirt and discuss how "profound" your poetry is away from the freaking library which is generally a safe haven for those of us who need silence. The thing that really bothered me was one day when I was at the library and a bunch of bros were there talking really loudly to their bro friends talking about how bro-tastically hilarious this one bro movie was. I get it, you have guy friends. I get it, this is a whole cacophony of bromance, but not in the library. So bros with your baseball hats that are half off your head along with your sweat pants that are barely covering your stupid puny asses paired with super tight t-shirts and Adidas sandals with black socks---lips zipped in the library. I have nothing against bros themselves, but their general attitude in the library is highly inconsiderate for those of us who are reading.

Using the word "like" too much. This one sucks because I do it too!!!! You have no idea how shocked I was when I graduated high school, came to college and only just realized  that I used "like" way too often in my sentences. People please, lets stop using like so often. There are so many useful and interesting words in the dictionary, why then should we use only a select few.

People who can't say two sentences without mentioning their significant other. Ladies, I am sorry to say that I find that the female sex does this generally more often than the male sex. Why is this? Are you less of a person without your boyfriend? Did you not exist until you started dating somebody? No? Then stop talking about your boyfriend. I don't care what kind of food he likes, or the sweatshirt that he wears all the time, or the fight that you had over mac n' cheese. Oh you know his opinions on everything? Great. But tell me, do you have your own opinions? If you have some semblance of a brain, you should. 

People who ruin the ending of movies and books. If haven't seen it, then I don't want to here all the details!  I love the mystery at the beginning of a book/movie, not knowing where the story is going. Please let me keep that joy.

Noisy eaters. I swear, there are some people out there that make a bag of chips sound like the they are eating a bag of bones or rocks. How can they make food echo like that? What is worse is when they smack their lips open to take another earthing shaking bite. I mean I know that people make noise while eating, but not that much noise.

Well that is everything so far. Generally though when I a person whose habits annoy me, I always give them the benefit of the doubt. I try to think that they're not doing it on purpose.

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