Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Internet Hysteria

My interent went out. I cannot believe how dependent I am on such technology until it is gone.
I kept swearing at it.
Calling it a stupid son-of-a-b****.
And it made me wonder, what would happen if all of our technology just died?
I mean a lot of dystopian movies speculate the terrible with an alien invasion or attack of zombies or some gross disease sweeping the nation and killing everyone and I always laugh and smile and say "That will never happen" but what if it did?
How would people react?
Probably terribly!
There would be mass hysteria where mothers would cling to their children sobbin;.
Young people would drink massive amounts of alcohol and consume drugs of every kind becuase the internet is out, their phones won't work, their world is ending so who cares if you're sober or not?
Kids would roam the earth. Their parents are either dead or will be killed at the grocery stores that are mobbed by selfish indivuduals who think of only their survival.
Dogs would become rabid and run in packs, chasing and potentially eating children.
And I would sit in my bedroom and drink tea, and read all my books over again so I can get lost in their worlds and escape from my own.
All of this because of the internet going out!
Maybe it won't be that dramatic, but speaking from somebody who proceed to swear for an hour over the loss of the internet, its not improbable.
But now I am using the internet,
perfectly aware that my outburst and imaginings of a dystopic future were completely irrational.

But it could happen.
You are now warned.

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