Monday, October 15, 2012

So I'm a teacher's pet...sue me

The great thing about college is that you can be buddies with your professors, and unlike grade school and high school, you are not seen as a kiss-ass (or maybe you are I wouldn't know) which is awesome because I love visiting Holmdene.
On my way up to Dr. Marhall's office I ran into Prof. Eberle and talked about the weekend, ran into Dr. Chesley and talked about writing and homework and then proceeded to my theology professor friend Dr. Marshall where I proceeded to give him shit for his smoking habits as we talked about literature, hipsters, and things that I should read.
He introduced me to an author by the name of David Berlinski who wrote "The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and its scientific pretensions."
I promised that I would read it over my fall break, but it looks kind of interesting.
No matter what your views are on any subject matter,you can't help but appreciate a well formed argument that leaves you twisting with your own ideals and beliefs about truth.
I frequently study things that I generally do not agree with, or that make me uncomfortable.
For example, I have a research project coming up and I have been toying around with the idea of doing it on strippers.Why is this? Because I "write so I can understand." not to be understood.
Nobody understands me, nor am I about to try and make people understand me.
But I do think there is a benefit to try to understand others, so maybe that is why I glut myself on anything controversial, I have the unreachable dream of being able to create a society of peace.
That will never happen.
But I do want to be at peace with myself,
and that can happen.

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