Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why Do I Blog?

Besides the fact that it was a class assignment, I believe I blog for the sheer reason that perhaps there are people out there who are a little weird like me. And that comforts me.
Most of my blogs are also just ramblings of my day to day life, not particularly interesting, and I think the thing that I am trying to do is find my niche writing. Whenever I talk to any published writers I always ask them how did they become such good writers and they always say "practice." So really this blog is practice, or merely a void to get ride of anything crazy that is blocking my inspiration for writing. Perhaps these blog posts are steps, practices in writing. Is the writing good every day? Heck no! I will tell you that already, but the reason I keep blogging is not only for a good grade (which it is) but to train my writing muscle. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When I grow up I want to be a rich and famous actress.

Well actually not really. When I was a kid I did love to entertain people, and still do. This morning I was buzzed off to the ER for fainting at work, but that didn't keep me from cracking a few jokes.
"How am I feeling? That seems kind of relative since I am in the Emergency Room. My face hurts but psychologically speaking I would say I am still pretty with it." (The doctor really liked that one).
And every time somebody tells me that I should become an actress I can't help but think why?
Sure I love to get a laugh and am very often the center of attention, but would I really want to deal with all the crap that actresses would have to deal with? I look at children actors/actresses and how some of them just seem to have their lives fall apart at the age of twenty. Do I really want that? Not really. With all the history of drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, messy divorces, I think I would rather just accept my average Joe life. There is such a freedom in not being famous. So perhaps little 7 year old me did want to be on TV and in movies but adult me is just fine with being able to go to the grocery store without my picture being taken talking about the products that I use. Besides, who cares anyway?

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Who reads blogs?

Alright I will be honest! I really don't read other peoples blogs that often.
It is not that I don't value their effort or opinions, its just there is so much to read and write who has the time to read a bunch of blogs?
And how does a blog get popular is it simply by chance?
The way that you network?
The type of knowledge that you have?
And how do you know that what you write will be interesting to others?
I mean really, the internet is just this huge dark space, and its like you're screaming into a vacuum. It is a sheer miracle that anything gets noticed at all.
So, if anyone reads this blog. It's a miracle.
I mean what are the chances that of all the blogs out there, mine was read.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Grumps McGee

I think everyone at work thought I was really grumpy today because I wasn't talking. What they don't realize is that my silence is part of a research project. I had to wear a sign all day that said "Can't talk. research project" and what is amazing to me is how many people laughed! They would find out what I was doing and start cracking up saying stuff like "no way" "that is going to be so hard" and "are you kidding me? You wouldn't last a day" ouch. Hey meow that hurts! And just by people not believing that I could do it, made me want to do it even more, and it made me really grumpy to have people laugh at me for my serious research. SO the lesson today is don't assume anyone is grumpy unless it is Grumpy from Snow White.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Dance Fever!

What? an unfinished blog post? How terrible! How awful! How incredibly lazy of me!
Well, I have just discovered something about myself, I was destined to be an Irish Dancer! It's true! I first fell in love with dance when I watched Michael Flatley tap, click, and stamp his way across the stage. The fast rhythms thrilled me, and there was something about the music, so sprightly, so full of life, you can't listen to Irish Music and not want to dance. I started dancing when I was about 8. It was a studio that originated from Detroit and was now in my city. My friend from school approached me and my mom about this incredible opportunity. This began my whirl wind romance with dance for 10 years. I loved performing, and often there were bands that were at the same events that we were dancing at. I loved every second of it. Unfortunately I had to quit because I of school and a job that I had just gotten. While I proceeded to take ballet lessons at school and did swing dancing with my friends downtown, it was not the same as my first love. One day my mom and I were talking about Irish dance. She turned to me and said "You know, when I was pregnant with you, your dad and I went to go see this Irish band. The band also had dancers with them. I never thought I was going to give birth to an Irish dancer." I was stunned! And then we found an old cassette tape of the band called "The Renvyle Comhaltas Group" and as we listened I heard some of the Irish dancing songs that I pranced around to for ten years. Imagine, I was in my mother's womb, getting exposed to a culture that I would later embrace in their dance and with my fast approaching study abroad. I can't think this was merely a coincidence, it was fate! I was destined to be an Irish Dancer!

Thanksgiving Reflection

I feel that there is a writhing pessimism at the bottom of Thanksgiving. Many people who are educated in American History often look at the holiday with a sense of loathing. "Oh yeah, Thanksgiving, the holiday where Indians helped Americans only to have the Americans slaughter them by the thousands."
Alright, I am aware of that, but its not like Thanksgiving actually celebrates the demise of Native American Indians (that's the politically correct term right?). But how awesome it is that people actually take the time to sit down and really think about what they are thankful for, how much they have.
This Thanksgiving I spent it with my parents, my brother and his wife and family. They have four little kids, the youngest are twins. Their oldest son always greets me with hugs and their oldest daughter showed me all the art work that she was doing in pre-school. I played games with them, drank beer, and when the kids were in bed we all sat around the living room, burping and exchanging stories. This is what I am thankful for, the fact that I have such a big family. I am thankful for heat, a bed, wool socks, the sound of my radiator, for the mountain of books in my room, for writers and philosophers of the world who want to make change for the better. I could be negative, looking at my white skin, blaming myself for the degradation of the Native culture with colonists came over the sea, or I could be thankful that we have history to teach us what not to do. I like studying other cultures and other worlds that are foreign to me, but their history always seems a little similar to ours, the only difference is that America became a free country from the British a lot sooner than other colonies. We could look at these countries and think of them as the "other" but I would rather see them as "brother" and "sister." After all we all share the same planet do we not? I am thankful for history, for its ability to teach future generations, I am thankful for empathy, humility and the hope that one day we may all learn to respect one another. If Thanksgiving has taught us anything, it is that two different cultures can come together and share a meal together in peace and harmony. Happy Holidays! And enjoy the leftover turkey!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Art of Randomness

I love being random. In fact it had been my life's goal to be random, weird, and look extremely interesting. I blame it on the fact that I am the youngest in my family, got used to a certain amount of attention and now work very hard to maintain that attention.
So, whenever people ask me why I did something I always answer,
"why not?"
Why shouldn't I buy ridiculous patterned clothing from Salvation Army and wear it with pride.
Why shouldn't I start barking at the bar.
What is so wrong with using interpretative dance to express your future actions.
Nothing my friend. Absolutely nothing.
And then I get that famous response
"Well people might think you're crazy"
Ha they better think that! That's the whole point!
I watch other people my age struggle against this challenge to be "normal" or "accepted" and I think why? what is the point?
In fact I have been asking myself that question since I was a kid.
All the popular girls had the new "in" toy of the year, the had cable, junk food in their house, and didn't have to share their bedroom with a moody older sister.
It was clear to me right from the get go that I would never be considered "cool" and that everything that I did would label me as a "dork" and so I embraced it.
I watched all the episodes of Star Wars with the greatest of interest and emphatically explained which episodes were the best.
I watched Stargate, Beast Master, old school Star Trek and Star Trek the Next Generation.
I sang to the Beatles and Beach Boys while my peers stood by mocking my love for "old people music."
I started to just not give a rats butt about what was the "popular norm" in society and learned the beauty to being completely random.
So, my beautiful readers, be random with me.
Bark at a car, climb a tree, dance down the sidewalk, walk like your drunk and be completely sober.
And we people question your intentions, your reasons for acting so weird just question them back:
Why Not?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Love to Hate

It is always interesting when somebody says "we have a love/hate relationship" and I have recently read two essays that explore this human emotion of hatred and it got me wondering, what do I hate?
I mean hate seems to be a pretty strong word, there are things in life that I generally don't like, like spiders, wet socks, Brussels sprouts, weak coffee, but hate?
 Perhaps I am too happy right now.
Perhaps in my content state of the morning I don't feel hatred because that emotion seems out of place. Maybe I should write about hatred when I am actually cranky, pissed off at the world, with a mouth full of razor blades.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Are writers truly that humble or just ass-holes in disguise?

I often enjoy going to literary talks/readings where authors stand up and talk about their process and inspiration for writing. Being an individual who is hoping to some day become a writer, I always ask these successful authors the same question every time:
How did you know that you could write?
The question is often greeted with the humble chuckle and shaking of the head along with the statement that they "still don't know" or "doesn't actually think that they can write" and other sweet, humble little comments. Are they really that humble though?  A little bit of me almost doesn't believe that they are because there has to be some inclination, itch, voice-in-the-head, that whispers into a writer's ears "that is really good" and I don't care if that makes them sound like self-centered ass-holes, because it is at least honest. I want to know what that feeling is, what that voice sounds like, what the experience is when you write something that it at least halfway decent so I would at least be able to focus in on those feelings to give me some chance of actually improving my form. I know that practice and dedication are also part of it but there has to be something more than that.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

George Lucas...what did you do?

I know that this is probably old news but being a HUGE Star Wars geek I felt the need to comment on this most recent tranaction between George Lucas and the Disney company.
A) Disney is getting HUGE! they are buying out everything!!!! I mean there is even a Disney village!!! Cartoons are going to take over the world! Not that I wouldn't mind that, they are adorable and I would imagine it would be like the "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" movie, but I can't help but notice that Disney seems involved with everything.
B) George Lucas why did you sell Star Wars? I loved the original movies and the newer ones had potential. There is still so much you could do! Heck they are still making Star Trek movies and you could still be making Star Wars movies! but Disney? cartoons? Not sure if I am totally sold about this whole idea.
If I was George Lucas you know what I would have done?
I would read the fan ficiton, the blogs, the ideas that ping about online about Star Wars: these movies have tons of fans! Listen to them they have great ideas!
Then I would have gathered myself a team of just graduated college students who have skills in writing and a veracious mind to prove themselves in the outside world.
Then I would have written a new movie, perhaps going off of some characters from the original three, but I would  attempt to bring in new characters.
And they would make millions.
Cause I just know.
The Force is with me.

Monday, November 5, 2012


There is nothing that makes me feel like a true American than voting. In all elections, even it is something small and has gotten very little press I go out and vote as often as I can. something about taking that sticker and putting it on my shirt makes me feel  like I at least tried to make a difference, talked to the government, let my opinions be known about how this country should be run.