Wednesday, November 28, 2012

When I grow up I want to be a rich and famous actress.

Well actually not really. When I was a kid I did love to entertain people, and still do. This morning I was buzzed off to the ER for fainting at work, but that didn't keep me from cracking a few jokes.
"How am I feeling? That seems kind of relative since I am in the Emergency Room. My face hurts but psychologically speaking I would say I am still pretty with it." (The doctor really liked that one).
And every time somebody tells me that I should become an actress I can't help but think why?
Sure I love to get a laugh and am very often the center of attention, but would I really want to deal with all the crap that actresses would have to deal with? I look at children actors/actresses and how some of them just seem to have their lives fall apart at the age of twenty. Do I really want that? Not really. With all the history of drugs, alcohol, eating disorders, messy divorces, I think I would rather just accept my average Joe life. There is such a freedom in not being famous. So perhaps little 7 year old me did want to be on TV and in movies but adult me is just fine with being able to go to the grocery store without my picture being taken talking about the products that I use. Besides, who cares anyway?

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