Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Art of Randomness

I love being random. In fact it had been my life's goal to be random, weird, and look extremely interesting. I blame it on the fact that I am the youngest in my family, got used to a certain amount of attention and now work very hard to maintain that attention.
So, whenever people ask me why I did something I always answer,
"why not?"
Why shouldn't I buy ridiculous patterned clothing from Salvation Army and wear it with pride.
Why shouldn't I start barking at the bar.
What is so wrong with using interpretative dance to express your future actions.
Nothing my friend. Absolutely nothing.
And then I get that famous response
"Well people might think you're crazy"
Ha they better think that! That's the whole point!
I watch other people my age struggle against this challenge to be "normal" or "accepted" and I think why? what is the point?
In fact I have been asking myself that question since I was a kid.
All the popular girls had the new "in" toy of the year, the had cable, junk food in their house, and didn't have to share their bedroom with a moody older sister.
It was clear to me right from the get go that I would never be considered "cool" and that everything that I did would label me as a "dork" and so I embraced it.
I watched all the episodes of Star Wars with the greatest of interest and emphatically explained which episodes were the best.
I watched Stargate, Beast Master, old school Star Trek and Star Trek the Next Generation.
I sang to the Beatles and Beach Boys while my peers stood by mocking my love for "old people music."
I started to just not give a rats butt about what was the "popular norm" in society and learned the beauty to being completely random.
So, my beautiful readers, be random with me.
Bark at a car, climb a tree, dance down the sidewalk, walk like your drunk and be completely sober.
And we people question your intentions, your reasons for acting so weird just question them back:
Why Not?

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